Water quality analysis

KNR is the industry leader in
automated systems for aquatic
organic extraction and analysis.

APK 2950W


The APK2950W is an Online Monitoring System for VOCs in water. This system is normally installed on site and continuously analyzes samples. All the procedures, including sampling, analysis and data processing, are fully automated and it provides highly reliable data. This
all-in-one system is designed for use with river, lake and wastewater monitoring applicastion.


  • THM (Trihalomethane)
  • Concentration analysis (wastewater, river, groundwater, water and sewage)


  • 10-1109644 : Water quality analysis system
  • 10-1066418 : Improved sample pretreatment unit applied to
    low temperature concentration of gas phase material
  • 10-1134068 : A sampling analysis instrument using
    super low-temperature concentration system


Membrane Extractor

The effects of moisture on Purge & Trap and Headspace can lead to a decrease in reliability of the test result, system pollution by high-cons centration samples, and the contamination of the flow-line caused by micro-organisms and foreign substances in the water, which can significantly reduces productivity and costs a lot to recover it. Membrane and the Sparger Extractor system is a breakthrough preprocessing and the analysis system that blocks the above pollutants. Especially, the Membrane Extractor can be used to eliminate the effects of moisture by using hydrophobic membranes, thus producing stable analysis data.


A low-temperature concentration process is required to detect VOCs components present at concentrations below the ppb level.

KNR's low-temperature concentration system enables concentration by lowering the temperature of the cooling part from -30℃ to -100℃ without using liquid nitrogen, etc. depending on the sample composition.

Therefore, ppb as well as ppt level analysis is possible. For stable sample transfer, the transfer line is always kept at a temperature of 150℃ or higher, so data reliability can be secured without the memory factor even in continuous analysis.